Monday, February 28, 2011
Wind Vane and Anemometer Sketch
Sensors ordered from Seeedstudio
- I'll use the UNO to test and work out the code.
- The Photo interrupter is a photogate that I hope to use to build a paddlewheel type speedometer.
- The Photo Reflective Sensor will be used for the Anemometer (hand drawn design to follow).
- I'm going to attach the piezo sensor (vibration sensor) to a tell tale and glue one to each side of the main sail. That will (hopefully) tell me if I have laminar flow across each side of my sail.
2 x Piezo Sensor - MiniSense 100 (SEN127A3M) = $5.70
Manual Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Simple Anemometer
I believe I've worked out how to build a small simple wind sensor. I'll base it on a Photo Reflective Sensor. The sensor can be completely housed out of the weather behind a little plastic window from an old TV remote. With a little IR reflective paint on the spinning parts I'll be able to measure the RPMs.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wind Vane
ArduPilot code for a Sailboat
Calculating True Wind - a sailboat's fuel tank
a = AW * ( cos Y )
bb = AW * ( sin Y )
b = bb - BS
True-Wind Speed = (( a * a ) + ( b * b )) 1/2
True-Wind Angle = 90-arctangent ( b / a )
This simple calculation doesn't take into account leeway. Leeway is the drift of the boat to the side due to the push of the wind against the sails.
Leeway depends on:
- Angle to the Wind - is greatest on a close reach and zero on a run.
- Velocity of the Wind
- It will be different for every boat.
This simple calculation doesn't take into account current. Current creates a 'water frame of reference' which is different from the 'earth frame of reference'
Earth Frame:
- Paddle Wheel Speedometer
- Wind Vane
- Anemometer
sine C = c/ac = sine C * a
cosine C = b/a
b = cosine C * a
d = power - b
CD = arctangent ( c/d )
Friday, February 25, 2011
DIYdrones info Links
Lake Depth Survey Blog -
Lots of interesting posts about the evolution of a boat used the survey the depth of lakes. He used the Ardupilot and V1.0 software, but modified it for a his boat.
Discussion regarding sailboat application -
Didn't entirely understand the conversation, but it regards drift compensation.
Required components for a Boat -
User Jim Covert asks about the components need for a boat project. Chris Anderson points out the that he'll want to use Ardupilot 1.0 which lacks stabilization control. A boat doesn't really need that feature.
Another lake survey project -
Detailed description of boat building process and application of an Arudino Duomilanove for controlling the boat.
Boat navigation with ArduPilot -
User Tony K. asks about the components needed to pilot a sailboat. Chris Anderson Give some direction on what is specifically needed and some specifics about GPS parameters.
Two-way Telemetry -
User Peter Ho appears to be using ArduPilot on a boat and wants to change waypoints while en-route. Chris Anderson points out that two-way is available on the ArduPilot Mega.
Everything you need for ArduPilot Boat -
- ArduPilot board and a row of breakaway headers
- GPS module (MediaTek or uBlox 5+adapter and cable recommended)
- FTDI cable for programming
- Four female-to-female servo cables to connect ArduPilot to your RC system
- [not needed]Shield expansion kit with airspeed sensor (couldn't really use for wind speed / direction on a sailboat b/c wind doesn't always come from strait ahead)
- [Optional] Two Xbee modules for wireless telemetry. This one in the air and this one with this antenna on the ground/laptop side. You'll also need two Xbee adapter boards. You can connect the airborne Xbee adapter to Ardupilot Mega with jumper wires.
AP for Sailing Vessel -
andrew was starting a project for a auto pilot for a sailboat. He focussed on the magnetic compass. He demonstrated a working tilt compensation compass details here.
AUOOSB Open Ocean Sailboat Project -
Michael King Put up a community page at to work toward building an autonomous sailboat. The site appears to have put on hold by NING but I believe I contacted Michael about reactivating it.
PID Tuning -
Michael King Post on how to tune your PID settings for each craft. Not specific to boats, but PID tuning did cause Harald Molle a lot of grief in his boat project.
Useful Links
FIO (Arduino and XBEE) door, doorbell and others monitor « John's Ramblings